Elysium Botanicals
My Journey, As a young girl, as far back as I can remember, I always loved plants, from herbs to flowers! Through botany and alchemy I came to Love and Respect the powerful healing plants can offer. I learned to grow, extract and use as many of these plants as I could and have continued this practice into my adult life.
However, several years ago I, experienced a devastating loss. I was broken and my health in turmoil. With the support of my remaining children, I pulled myself up and started a hemp farm in Oregon. With the knowledge I had gained over many years I began to formulate herbs & CBD into healing products. I used these to treat my skin cancer as well as my diabetes. My health took a step into wellness; being happy and relieved I kept going. I want to share in the healing power of herbs and CBD,with as many people as I can reach. All of my products are made from Love. I have great passion and respect for all things around us and the healing power they possess and apply this to my products.
-Founder of Elysium Botanicals, Kat.